1. 本网站所售商品均为预购,没注明的都是现货款式,采取先付款先得的原则。对于补货商品,通常会在10-14个工作日内发货,但可能会遇到海关抽查、物流延误等问题。我们不接受急单要求。
2. 关于商品的价格与尺寸我们都会在网站内标注好。如果有任何疑问,请通过私信向我们咨询。客服只提供"建议尺寸",请大家在下单时自行斟酌好。
3. 下单后,请务必在规定的时间内完成付款以确立订单。如果有特殊原因导致无法按时付款,请提前告知。未按时完成付款的订单将被视为放弃,相关客户将被列入黑名单。
4. 下单后很抱歉无法取消或更改订单,请在下单前慎重考虑,再三确认后才下单。
5. 所有服饰的尺寸均以厘米为单位进行手工测量。对于面料的伸缩性以及个体测量方法和位置的差异,尺寸可能存在1-3厘米的误差,属于正常范围。希望大家能谅解。
6. 商品颜色可能会受到室内外拍摄环境和灯光的影响,或者受到不同手机和电脑分辨率的影响,因此照片显示的颜色可能与实物略有差异。由于有些照片是经过美颜/滤镜处理不排除少许色差情况,本店不接受以色差退款为理由。
Terms and Conditions:
1. The products sold on this website are generally in stock, unless specified as pre-order items, which operate on a first-come, first-served basis. If a product is out of stock, it usually takes 10-14 working days for restocking and shipment. Please note that there may be occasional customs inspections or logistical delays beyond our control. Urgent orders cannot be accommodated.
2. The prices and sizes of the products are clearly stated for easy reference. You can click on each product for more detailed information. If you have any questions or uncertainties, feel free to contact us for assistance. Our customer service team can provide "recommended sizes," but please measure yourself accurately before placing an order, as individual body proportions may vary.
3. Once you confirm your order, please make the payment within the specified time limit to complete the transaction. If you have any special circumstances, please inform us. Customers who abandon their orders will be blacklisted.
4. Please carefully consider your purchase before placing an order, as we are unable to cancel or modify orders once they have been placed.
5. All measurements for clothing are taken manually in centimeters while the fabric is laid flat. For products with stretchable materials, we measure them at their approximate maximum stretch. Due to variations in fabric elasticity, individual measurement methods, and positions, a deviation of 1-3cm is considered normal.
6. The color of the products may appear slightly different due to the lighting conditions during indoor or outdoor photography. Additionally, variations in resolution on different devices (such as phones or computers) may result in slight differences between the displayed colors and the actual products. Please consider the actual product color as the reference.
By using this website and making a purchase, you agree to comply with the above terms and conditions.